She Muses

A Good Deed With A Side Of Ratchetness

At least that’s how I’m feeling. Let me explain. There is this gentleman that sits on the Metro grate down a bit from my office almost every day. It just happens to be right near a Starbucks. I saw him eating a bag of Cheetoes this morning on my way in. Not very healthy so I decided to buy him…

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She Muses

Hello Again!

I know. I’ve been gone for a very long while. I really have no excuse either. Sure, I was having an issue with finding that work/life balance. Sure, I was piling on the hobbies and activities to keep myself busy. Sure, I was exhausted ALL THE TIME. I’m guilty of it all. All of this is no reason to leave…

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She Muses

Throwback Thursday: Weird Day

Originally posted 27 September, 2009 Yesterday was a very weird day for me. I have no idea what happened but I began to feel really anxious and jumpy. There were a few moments when I felt like I was going to pass out. It happened early afternoon and did not stop until I crashed later that night. I had plans…

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