She Muses

So…In A Nutshell…

Time has passed once again between postings. It’s not that I didn’t have anything to write about. On the contrary. I had TOO MUCH to write about. My week has been pretty busy. Tons of things went on. Most of it threw me for a loop or two. I was completely out of my element with some of these events.…

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She Muses

Challenge Bust & A Pre-Anniversary Preview

Well…as you all can see from my lack of posting last week, I did not complete my Bikram Yoga challenge. Monday and Tuesday are the only days that I was able to attend. Wednesday I had a case of the BGs (TMI…I know) and I’ve been sick with a head cold ever since then. I’m blown. At least I’m keeping…

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Chocolate Heart & Rose Pedals
She Muses

I Love Me Some Valentine’s Day

? I do, I do, I do, I do, I DO! ? Mostly, because of the CHOCOLATE! Yup. Never mind the cards, balloons, flowers, and the fancy dinners. Just give me some chocolate and I am a VERY happy lady! See how easy I am? *winks* This time of year the stores are overstocked with chocolate in anticipation of this…

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She Muses

It’s Not As Easy As I Make It Look

The bus driver that brings me home asks me the same question at least once a week. “Why are you always so happy?” I smile at him and simply tell him that I’m always happy. This is so not the case. People who are always happy 100% of the time, 24/7 are on some kind of drugs. They need to…

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She Lives, She Muses

New Shoes…New Challenges

I made an investment last week. I figured if I was going to take this Salsa dancing seriously, I needed proper shoes to dance in. Well, Voila! I give you my new dancing shoes! I found these gems at a dance store in Rockville, MD called Repeat Performance. Their selection of ballroom shoes wasn’t up there with the quantity you…

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