She Lives, She Muses

New Shoes…New Challenges

I made an investment last week. I figured if I was going to take this Salsa dancing seriously, I needed proper shoes to dance in. Well, Voila! I give you my new dancing shoes!

I found these gems at a dance store in Rockville, MD called Repeat Performance. Their selection of ballroom shoes wasn’t up there with the quantity you find at a regular shoe store but it was still decent. I can tell you that it took me a little bit before I settled on the pair that I purchased.

I have already tested out these babies on two occasions. This past Sunday and Monday nights. Yes, I went out dancing two nights in a row WITH NEW SHOES. Yikes! It wasn’t bad. My feet were a tad bit sore the first night. That was to be expected. The issue came the second night. My left calf was a bit tender.

A little history…my entire time of dancing here in the DC Metro area has been with flat shoes. That has been since New Year’s Day of this year. Not long but long enough for my body to get used to it. Now I’m throwing heels into the mix? Oh yeah, my calves will be doing some major rebelling. Lol.

Ways that I can prevent further discomfort and possible injury is to stretch. I need to treat Salsa like a workout session. That means hydrating properly and stretching before AND after I dance. My legs will thank me. My heart too. 🙂

So this evening I have another round of dancing planned. I’m hydrating now. Stretching will be done leading up to the night’s festivities. We’ll see how my calves are doing tomorrow. The funny thing? I have a run planned tomorrow! I’m so hardcore! Lol.

Do any of you have any tips and tricks concerning stretching for dancers?

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