She Muses

A Steal…The Sequel


In my original post I spoke of a bag that I got for a steal.  I was excited.  Ha.  That was short lived.  It was a very poorly made bag that shed it’s skin everywhere.  Seriously it did.  The fake leather peeled off.  Yuck. 

Enter in stage left the new bag.  Ta Dah!

First, it doesn’t have as many nifty pockets as my last bag.  Second, it’s blue.  I have nothing against blue.  It’s just not present in my current wardrobe.  I’m learning to live with these issues.  There are other places to put my things.  Plus, I don’t need to carry as much.  Just the most important items and the reason for the bag.  Duh…my camera!  Lol. 

I do not believe that this bag will turn into the nightmare that my last one was.  It seems pretty sturdy.  We’ll see once I take it out into the field. 

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