It’s mid month. This is the time to make sure that I am still on track with my February goals. Let’s see where I am with all of them, shall we? My Mind * I will read one empowerment book & one ‘fun’ book. – For my fun book I am reading Wicked which is AWESOME so far. * I…
Love My Date Nights
I have this thing that I like to do. I’ve been doing it for years and I always look forward to it. I take myself out on dates. I get dressed up, pick a venue, and enjoy a meal and a beverage of my choice. I take with me my journal and/or a book or two. The time I spend…
I Tend To Worry A Little
The above image could be me in a heartbeat. I have been known to worry about things over a nice cup of coffee or any other beverage of my choice. I’m doing a little of that now minus the coffee. There are some things that I have placed into play over the last couple of months. I am not going…
Hello February!
Ah February. Home of Groundhog Day, two presidents birthdays, and one of the most commercialized holidays of our time in my opinion. Valentine’s Day! The chocolatiers love this holiday. We all do in our own way. February is also a new month which means a new set of goals are needed. Here is what I have in store for myself…