She Muses

Mid Month Check In – February

It’s mid month. This is the time to make sure that I am still on track with my February goals. Let’s see where I am with all of them, shall we?

My Mind
* I will read one empowerment book & one ‘fun’ book.
For my fun book I am reading Wicked which is AWESOME so far.

* I will strive to learn something new.
I learned a few more technical things concerning photography. Still keeping my eyes/ears open for more.

My Body
* Drink at least a gallon of water daily.
I’m faltering on this one…and bad. My best has been the gallon. My worst? Less than 24oz. Ugh!

* Make healthier food choices.
I am also faltering on this one. Birthdays…which means cake. Valentine’s Day…which means chocolate. You get the idea. Lol.

* Supplements. Take them daily.
This one I’m actually doing quite well with. I’m taking two supplements at the moment with a possible third being added soon.

* Commit to doing Shanel’s energy booster daily (if you don’t know then you better ask somebody).
Not doing this AT ALL. I’m active but not as active as I need to be. I need to get it together in this department.

* Brush my natural tresses every day for about 5 minutes to massage scalp and lock in moisture.
I’ve been doing great with this one.

My Spirit
* Get spiritually plugged in.
I still continue to have my daily talks to the one upstairs. That will never change. I do need to work on this plenty more though. I’m not there yet.

* Make time for quiet time and reflection in my journal.
I’m not doing to great with this one. There are times when I can and times when I cannot. There are other people involved.

* Meditation
This one I bombed on COMPLETELY. I haven’t meditated in EONS. Needs work.

It’s best to say that February thus far is not panning out well for my goals. I have a lot of distractions and stressors. The distractions are the normal day-to-day that happen where I am. Those can’t be helped. It’s the stressors. I worry about a lot of things. This worrying leads to impulsive decisions. These decisions were made, and the actions thereafter, out of a need to survive. What I need to do to survive is not in line with my general happiness.

That’s bad.

My clarity has been compromised. My focus has been lost. I need to get to good.

Baby steps.

The February recap will be summed up in my March goals post. Let’s hope my progress has improved by then. Let’s also hope that I get my clarity back.

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