Now all I have to do is keep it up. I’m talking about this raw food diet that I’m giving a try. Not bad at all. I started my morning off with a glass of green juice and my vitamins. Normally I would have been downing a protein shake and going on my merry way. Not today. I had also…
Reflection At Its Best
I’ve been preparing myself. I’ve been trying to get things in order to take better care of myself. To be able to go through my days a bit smoother. To realign myself with what I desire once again. I went for a walk. I did this for three reasons. One, to pop down the street to see what the corner…
Plenty Of Time To Settle In
It’s been a little over a week since Lucille broke down on me. I’ve gone through a considerably wide spectrum of emotions during this time. Tons of tears were shed. Yes, tons. I’ve been angry. I’ve been sad. There were a few times where I was just…numb. Once the dust settled I began to understand a bit about the WHY…
Loving You No More
I have been seriously stressing since Friday afternoon. Let me tell you what happened. My beautiful car, Lucille, broke down on me. Luckily she broke down a block from my office in Baltimore so (1) I wasn’t stranded and (2) I could update my boss of my current situation. I still needed to get home though. Enter in a towing…
What A Day!
I‘m not going to say that it was a bad day. No. I don’t have bad days. I have not so great days. Well, this day was a not so great day and only certain parts of it made it so. It all began before I even walked out the door this morning… I had decided to flat iron my…