She Muses

What A Day!

I‘m not going to say that it was a bad day. No. I don’t have bad days. I have not so great days. Well, this day was a not so great day and only certain parts of it made it so. It all began before I even walked out the door this morning…

I had decided to flat iron my hair this morning. A seemingly harmless act. I’ve done is SO many times before, right? What can go wrong? Well…about two minutes after I was done the smoke alarm in my house went off. Oh, but not only the smoke alarm. The house alarm as well since the smoke alarm is connected to it. The alarm was disabled but the phone call was not answered. What did this mean for me? It meant that I got a visit from the fire department this morning. Yup. Fire truck came a blazin. Firemen came suited up. Only for me to tell them that I set off the alarm by doing my hair. All of this happened at 6am. WTF!

My day got loads better after I downed my first cup of coffee five minutes later. Oh, sweet blissful coffee. I loaded up the bug and headed to my assignment in NW DC.

Normally I’m not too fond of shoots in NW DC. Not because I don’t like the place or the location that I just happen to be going to. No. It’s traffic. Where I used to live it took me an hour and a half to travel a distance that should have taken me only 30 minutes. I was a little stocked this morning though. I now live only about 20 minutes away. With traffic it took me 30 minutes to get there. My stockedness was short lived though. I had completely forgotten about the other bane of my existence when it comes to NW DC. Parking. There is none. UGH!

DC Parking Etiquette:
The majority of NW DC is set in zones. You need to carry a zone sticker to park in zone designated areas. If one does not have a zone sticker then you are only allowed to park in these spaces for a specific amount of time. The times vary. I’ve seen as low as 15 minutes (which I ran into today) and as high as 2 hours (which I see most of the time). One has to move their car before these times are up or be ticketed. I had to move my car three times before I finally settled into someone elses spot on location. Since I was there only for one day to shoot I didn’t see an issue. Folks on site dealt with it. They had to. I did not want to be ticketed for $250. No, SIR!

The shoot went well considering. Nuff said.

Next was traffic all the way to Baltimore. Yup. Baltimore. During rush hour traffic. Gave me tons of time to think. I thought about my stressors. I thought about what I am accepting at the moment. I asked myself why I am accepting certain things. I thought about my drive and motivation. I asked myself where it was for certain things. The big question that I kept asking myself over and over and over again? Why am I satisfied and/or content with the way things are?

Good question. This is why I love my drives. Even if I am stuck in traffic I can gain something out of them. Something positive. Something thought provoking. Something to look into.

After Baltimore I headed home. Drained. Not really in the mood to cook anything. Where do I go? I go straight to Bojangles Famous Chicken & Biscuits. Don’t ask me why I went there. It sounded good at the time. I ended up inhaling that in no time it seemed.

Now? I’m exhausted. About to hit the sheets and rest up for the next days adventures. Hopefully I won’t start any fires tomorrow. Lol. I can tell you it won’t be from doing my hair. Won’t be doing that again for a while. Wanna know why? Because all of my curls dropped. My hair is now a frizzy, hot mess. It’s back to the au natural for me. Yes, SIR! 🙂

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