So I’m a little late on this post. This was supposed to be posted this morning. I woke up BEFORE the butt crack of dawn and was actually on the clock when Day 2’s challenge on the SITS Girls forum was posted. It’s all good though…better late than never. Moving right along… I did one of my favorite things yesterday.…
It’s Really About Nothing
I was a semi fan of Seinfeld in the 90s. The show was hilarious. Clever. It made one think. Really, the show was about NOTHING. Well, NOTHING became a cult classic and hit. My blog. When I started this particular blog I had plans to showcase news about my business and such. Thoughts shifted in the direction of cooking and…
A Centuries Old War On Color
I came across a preview of the documentary Dark Girls on Facebook. When I saw it many waves of emotion swept through me. I felt it all just about. Anger. Sadness. Pride. Tons of negative energy all stemming from memories of days past. You may be thinking, “Um…Kionda, why would this affect you? You’re light skinned.” Sigh. Yes…I am.…
It All Psyched Me Out, Man!
Just look at this view. Isn’t it divine? This is a view from a trail that I’m starting to run three days a week. The way that it winds around is awesome. I’ve yet to know how far I’m going. Right now I’m just running and letting my android app tell me how far and how long. This is…
Finding My Running Legs Again
The humidity was pretty high. Rain was forcasted. I didn’t let that stop me at all. That’s a serious first for me. I went for a nice run this evening in a local park. This park has a nice trail that spans for miles. I only ran about 1.5 of it today for a total of three miles. The…