She Muses

Giving It Another Go?

Under Construction

A couple of Fridays ago I sat with my bulky laptop on my lap and began to give my blog a new look. You see, I’ve missed typing my thoughts here. I’ve longed to come back to do so. It’s been over two years. Two years. Why now?

I’m not sure really. I stopped for many reasons. Stress from my situation at the time was the bulk of it. Even after that stress was no more I still did not come back. I felt as though I had nothing to say. I still feel this way. Believe that I was very confused as to why I was giving my blog attention. Why? So I can ignore it for another two years?

The simple answer. I have the desire to write again. Not sure what it will be about and how often. There will be stuff here though. I’m not even that worried about the mess that I’ve made of my blog. Just an issue with my featured image showing up with my content image in my main blog roll. That means it’s showing double. It’s an eye sore. Was irritated by it before. Not so much now. My literary home is still technically under construction though. Only until I figure out what to do with it. I may never figure that out. Kind of like my life.

[smiles to herself]

I’m totally ok with that.