I mentioned in a previous post that I really do not do well with buying food in bulk. My meaning of bulk is anything past one day. Anything past one meal may be more accurate. I say this because of the state of my fridge at the moment. Poor unopened bag of arugula!
I’m trying something new this coming Friday. It’s a service called Blue Apron that I saw on CNBC’s Squack Breakthrough segment on two occasions. After checking out their site for most of the afternoon I took the plunge and signed up.
The Gist
Blue Apron has an assortment of recipes put together by their food gurus. You choose how many meals you’d like for a week. Based on your dietary needs they customize a menu for you that week. Whatever meals are chosen for you will be delivered to your door in an awesome box with ALL needed ingredients needed to prepare and cook. Seriously! All you will need are pots and pans. A stove will help as well.
This particular option sounds like a perfect fit for me. Every week I will get three unique meals delivered to me. No need to go to the grocery store. Everything is picked and assembled for me. The other great thing about this is that I will be trying something new with each meal. No falling into a rut. Most importantly I will actually eat healthy options more often instead of the first unhealthy thing I find at a convenience store or restaurant. This option could also save me some money.
If this works out I may increase the number of meals I get per week. I’ll keep it at three to test out the service and see how it fits in with my current lifestyle. We’ll gauge how the benefits weigh in as time goes by as well. In the meantime I still need to think about the other meals of the day. UGH!