She Muses

I Couldn’t Resist Picking This Up


Love, Lust & Faking It by Jenny McCarthy

First of all, I heart this woman.  She is hilarious!  She is HOT!  She is real.  Her movie Dirty Love was genius in my honest opinion.  So cute and funny and romantic in that sick kind of way.  My kind of stuff.  Lol.

I didn’t set out to get this book.  I didn’t set out to get any book actually.

It all started because a favorite spot of mine didn’t have any power outlets.   No power outlets meant no working on the computer.  So I needed a book.  Now, mind you, I carry at least two books with me at all times.  I wasn’t in the mood for either of them.

I went to a second hand book store in search of the second book in the Wicked series by Gregory Maquire, Son of a Witch.  I found Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister.  It’s not part of the series but it looks like it may be enjoyable.  I’ll dive into it a month or two down the road.

I still didn’t have book two of the series though.  I mozzied on down to Borders in search of it.  I didn’t find it originaly.  A bit disappointed I went over to the metaphysical/self help section to see what I could find.  While browsing, Jenny’s book jumped out at me.

I picked it up, read the back and inside covers and was sold.  I even had a coupon to seal the deal. Cha-ching!

I read half the book already over a bottle of wine.  I forcast me finishing the book before the weekend is over.  It’s quite doable.  I love her humor.

Are there any books that you couldn’t resist getting when you saw them?

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