She Muses

I Love My Blog

I really do. I love the fact that I have a place to lay out my thoughts. I love the fact that I can share random moments with you, my readers, even if sometimes I am a bit reluctant to do so. It may seem as though I do not love this place at times. Those times are when I…

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She Muses

It’s Time To Release IT

I am a huge fan of Prince, Morris Day and The Time, and other artists from the late 80s to early 90s. One of the movies that I just adore, and for some reason the rest of the masses cannot stand, is Graffiti Bridge. I’ve had that movie on my mind for some time now. The soundtrack is awesome. A…

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She Muses

My Time Management SUCKS!

Yup. SUCKS! I have slacked off SO MUCH in the past couple of months. I’d like to say it’s because I’ve been so busy. I mean, seriously, how does one come back to a balls to the wall busy season? It can be done. It has been done by me…just a little sloppy. Now, mind you, what I do is…

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She Muses

Mmm Soup…On a 90+ Degree Day

I love soup. It gives me that feel good warmth in my tummy and makes everything right again. I accompanied my soup with some Keebler wheat crackers…a wonderful pair. To drink? 24 ounces of nice cool H2O…with free refills. This is the lunch of champions right here. I am feeling a little out of sorts today mainly because of the…

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