She Muses

My Raw Food Experience

I got through an entire work week of being on a raw food diet! I’m actually amazed with myself. I wasn’t entirely sure if I could do it or not. Here is what I learned from my experience. If am I am attempt this again I need to do a bit more research on different recipes and variations of my…

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She Muses

Supplements Rule The World

At least these do for me at the moment.  I do not have my protein powder pictured here.  I actually need to make my way to The Vitamin Shoppe and pick up another tub.  It is SO good.  So much better than Musclemilk…but I digress. One can always use more fiber in their diet.  I wasn’t too sure how I…

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She Muses

An Ode To Chipotle

I went on a light run/walk today.  Before I even got started I grabbed my wallet and started plotting my route.  Where?  To the Chipotle a ways up the road. Even while I was running I was thinking of the burrito goodness that I could be sinking my teeth in.  The perfectly seasoned chicken.  The tasty corn salsa.  The fajita…

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