She Muses

My Raw Food Experience

I got through an entire work week of being on a raw food diet! I’m actually amazed with myself. I wasn’t entirely sure if I could do it or not. Here is what I learned from my experience.

  • If am I am attempt this again I need to do a bit more research on different recipes and variations of my favorites before I begin. I found that I got bored with it by mid week. I love salad. I do. Just not every day for dinner.
  • I did find that I had more energy. My mid day crashes were almost non existent. This may be due to my lack of heavily leaded coffee, pastries and other sugars. I am still a coffee drinker. That’s something that I will not give up. I can, however, dial it down a bit. Decaf is an option as well as slimmer options at the coffee shop. The sugars are out.
  • This may be a little TMI for some but I was a bit more gassy then usual. Vegetables do produce a bit more gas then other foods. It wasn’t an uncomfortable gas. It was just something I noticed. I kept a pretty low profile this week so no one was affected by it. Lol.
  • With this diet one does not get much protein. My job is pretty strenuous so protein is a must. To help with this I ate two hard boiled eggs every morning. Since I also workout and dance I had the eggs before those activities as well. Based on how I felt I do not think that it was enough for my body to process. Plus, that’s a lot of eggs for one to be eating. If I do this again I’ll need to add other sources of protein. More research.

All in all this was not bad. I was a bit worried yesterday. I came home from work and practically passed out from exhaustion. It was a combination of work, working out, dancing, and not drinking enough water. I didn’t make it to my gallon that day. Almost but not quite. My body felt it and said, “Enough!” I had absolutely no control.

I go back to regular eating tomorrow but with a new awareness. No fast food. No unnecessary sweets. No bad chocolate (yes, there is a such thing). Just good, wholesome food that my body can process with no issues. In moderation. I still have my veggies to snack on in between meals. I’m good to go. 🙂

I plan on doing this almost fasting diet at least once a month. This will be a great detox supplement.

*Image compliments of*

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