She Muses

My Fatal Error

I neglected to bring my earbuds with me on my run last evening. This oversight cost be dearly I believe. Let me explain….. I received some very annoying news in my mail yesterday. I will not go into the details but let’s just say it’s a critical issue. The bottom line is this particular company informed me that they would…

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She Muses

My Comfort Food In Times Of Stress

I find it hilarious (not really) how much of an emotional eater I am.  I’m surprised I’m not morbidly obese.  My health stats are probably through the roof and in the red. I haven’t had them checked since 2009. Things keep coming down the pipe and piling on to the crap I’m already dealing with.  It’s beginning to be too…

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She Muses

Introducing My Favorite Comfort Food

I have so many… Lol. Yes I know. I am not helping. My all time fav is, of course, chocolate. My love affair with chocolate began at a young age. Since then I just could not get enough. Chocolate has been there for me…through the endless cravings, broken hearts, ”that” time of the month binges, and just because. When I’m…

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