She Muses

My Fatal Error

I neglected to bring my earbuds with me on my run last evening. This oversight cost be dearly I believe. Let me explain…..

I received some very annoying news in my mail yesterday. I will not go into the details but let’s just say it’s a critical issue. The bottom line is this particular company informed me that they would take care of the issue last month when I called them on it then. At the follow up they informed me that it was all good. Obviously not. The irritating thing about it is that they were closed at the time that I received the news so I could not get it resolved. I have to wait until Monday.


This was before my run. My mind was going a mile a minute and getting a much better workout IMHO. I was taking it easy for last evenings run anyway since I had planned on running this morning. Without my earbuds I couldn’t distract my mind with loud music during my walk. The entire time I am working myself up and getting even more irritated by the second. I did not enjoy my walk at all because of this. My fault.

I am a very emotional creature. In times of stress back in the day I would smoke a few cigarettes and call it a day. Not the case anymore since I’ve quit going on almost four years now. What do I do now? I eat. My comfort food of choice last night? Hot and Old Bay wings washed down with one Black & Tan and one Black & Blue beer while still decked out in my running clothes. It…Was…YUMMY!

I’d like to think that if I had brought my earbuds with me my night would have ended a bit differently. I would have enjoyed my walk more. I would have been distracted enough to quiet my mind of the nonsense that was running through it. I wouldn’t have splurged on the wings and beer. I wouldn’t have cried myself to sleep.

Well maybe that last part would have happened regardless. That energy needed to be dispersed some kind of way. What better way than to cry, right?

Have any of you ever forgotten a critical item that drastically changed the course of your day before?

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