She Muses

Because We Know What’s REALLY Important

It had been a long while since I enjoyed a cup of coffee at home. I still stopped at a Starbucks once a week or so but I missed just chilling at home wrapped up in my whoobie with it. I had the coffee. What I was missing was the creamer. Yes, my Lovelies…I do not take my coffee without creamer. Not milk. Creamer. That’s just how I roll.

One of my tasks this weekend was to stop by the grocery store to pick up a few essential items. At the top of my list was coffee creamer. Sure, I could do without the milk, eggs, and other mediocre items on my list. Coffee creamer was my #1 priority. I was not leaving that store without it! At this point I was totally ready and willing to endure a diet of pure coffee. I am NOT kidding. Lol.

After about five minutes of browsing the available flavors I settled on International Delight’s Cold Stone Sweet Cream. First of all, I LOVE Cold Stone. They are one of the main reasons I work out. Second, I like to switch up my coffee flavors. Coffee Mate, International Delight & even Bailey’s have an assortment of flavors to choose from. This keeps it fresh for me which is always a good thing. I also look forward to their seasonal flavors. I have a few favs that I default to. All of them delish.

I am happy to report that the Sweet Cream is a huge success. I have enjoyed multiple cups. Looking forward to enjoying many more.

So are any of you as coffee obsessed as I am? Any fav brands? What about your creamers? Care to share your fav flavors? I’m always on the lookout for more.

Until next time my Lovelies.

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