She Muses

New Body Wash & Mid Week Surfing


I took a trip to my not so local Whole Foods store in downtown Silver Spring last week. Picked up this little gem – Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps in Rose. I had been using the Hugo brand in Lavender before this. I wanted to try something new. You know…switch up my products. I do that from time to time.

I’m not quite sure what to think of this body wash just yet. It has a completely different feel than the Hugo brand. It lathers up pretty nicely and of course, has a wonderful scent. It’s just different. It gets the job done. I guess I just need to get used to it.

In other completely unrelated items, my surfing skills are being put to the test yet again this month. No, not the gorgeous waves found off the coasts of Hawaii and other Pacific ocean destinations. The crimson wave that I have to endure every month. Yes, I know. A little TMI for some of you. I don’t care. This thing is kicking my ass today. I’m all doped up on Advil. The Tequila is on standby for later. It’s THAT bad!

It’s so bad that I was actually thinking about playing hooky from Bodyrocking today. As I typed that out I didn’t like that thought. You see, I really enjoy Bodyrocking. I really want to make an effort to workout AT LEAST five days a week with two ACTIVE rest days. I don’t want to miss any days for any reason. ANY reason! Sure, sickness can play a roll but that shouldn’t stop me from picking up my jump rope and going for it. My cycle shouldn’t stop me either. Who knows? It may even settle down my uterus enough for it to stop torturing me with the pain it’s causing me. Wishful thinking.

Normally I Bodyrock at home. Today would be the only day that I’d be doing it elsewhere. I’ll be at the dance studio this evening for a styling session with stretching. One of my girls whom is also in the dance group with me Bodyrock’s as well. We’re going to get it in this evening. Concentration will be on abs and arms. Rock on!

I just have to get up the motivation to get out of the house. It doesn’t help that it’s raining outside. Doesn’t help my cause at all. Maybe a nice, long, hot shower with my rose scented body wash will do the trick. It’s worth a try, yes?

Any new products you are trying out for the first time. What are your favorites?

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