She Muses

A Few Things To Mention

There is tons on my mind. Tons. I am trying to figure out how to sort it all out. All of it is wonderful news and good things. I just need to sort it out. I’ll mention a few…maybe more.

I went ahead and purchased a crucial item today from Amazon. This red capsule will be placed in my STEAL of a tote bag and house my camera and lens. This way I will always have my baby…err…camera with me. My DIY project is underway. I am very excited about this whole process.

My website is up and available to the masses. It’s only a landing page pretty much telling everyone about…well…ME. It has links to all of my other stuff; my blog here, my gallery of images, and my Youtube channel which has nothing on it but some Salsa lessons. Three things that I need to work on with my site? My feedback form doesn’t work (although the Facebook and Twitter links are good to go), I need to update my images of me, and I’m not too sure about the music. All works in progress still but hey…at least the site is up and running. Yay for me!

The jobs are coming in for the company I’m photographing for. I’m also moving into different areas of photography which is GREAT! I won’t go too much into detail with this one. Just know that I am very excited and will most likely be very busy this spring.

I just recently purchased theater tickets to a friend’s play that will be opening mid April. Since I’m an opening night kind of girl, I got my ticket for that night. I learned that a few mutual friends will be traveling to The District area to also see the play. I am so looking forward to seeing everyone. Hopefully they are opening night folks as well. If not, there is always a happy hour somewhere we can catch up.

I am also trying to set up a day trip to NYC to see an old childhood friend. I am hoping that this trip works out. I haven’t seen this woman in AGES. The last time I saw her? Was when I moved from NY to KC….in 1990!  Yeah…not really a happy moment for me but it’s all good. If this trip works out for me I will not only spend a day in a city that I adore, I will spend it with a great friend. If I can make it a weekend thing I would. Lodging is expensive in the Big Apple. I’d rather spend my hard earned coin on good food and such.

I finished my fun book for February. I was reading Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. GREAT BOOK! Now I HAVE to read the rest of the series. All in due time…all in due time.

Those are the highlights I guess. There are a few more things but they don’t need mentioning. There are also a few concerns that I have about things. They don’t need mentioning either. No need to dwell on such things. If I do then they will expand and we cannot have any of that now can we? Not at all!

I’m thinking positive people!

How else will more of this goodness happen? 😀

I’ve said enough for now. Stay tuned for a recap of my February goals and my new goals for March.

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