She Muses

A Steal!

Ok so I’ve been having this dilemma concerning camera bags.  I needed something that I can carry my gear plus any everyday items such as my wallet, a book, my journal, etc.  The traditional camera bags that were out there were just…blah.  I don’t know any other way to describe them.  Oh wait…man bags.  That’s it.

I recently fell in total awe of the Epiphanie brand of camera bags.  They look just like women’s designer purses!  You’d never know that a camera was stuffed in there.  Kelly Moore also has some good ones.  If you get a chance Google them.  They are beautiful. 

My dilemma?  Most of these style bags were up in the range of $150+.  Yeah that’s a little out of my price range…especially for a woman who changes purses often. 

I found a way that I can create my own camera bag with an everyday tote.  I linked to the blog where I found it on my Facebook page.  It’s a simple DIY project and will save me tons!

Ok so the steal?

I went in search of my everyday tote.  I was going to start downtown Silver Spring and then make my way into the District to browse through a few shops I found online.  There was no need.  I found what I was looking for in a luggage shop in the little mall in SS. 

The original price was barely in the $100s but due to defects the price was reduced.  The defects were of no concern to me.  I’m pretty hard on my purses.  Since this one would be used for work it will welcome a few more.

I talked the dude down to $10 bucks.  Yup…$10.  Not too bad.

It fits all of my books and such now.  Once I get the insert for my camera we’ll see how everything looks and feels.  I may do a follow up to show how creative I am.  Lol.

Anyway, here is a pic of my fabulous tote.  Oooh and look…RED!  I love red.


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