She Muses

Multiple Uses For Tequila

More like my tummy. That’s what I’ve been hugging for the last few hours. That and a heating pad. I am in excruciating pain due to my monthly visit from my Aunt. You know the annoying but always welcome Aunt Flo? Yeah. She’s here making my life miserable. To make matters worse, she’s here three days EARLY. WTF?!

Anyway, we’re talking about Tequila. I LOVE Tequila. Jose and his cousins have pulled me through many a situation in the past. I am always grateful and craving tons of grease afterwards. All night diners are THE bomb. I need to find a few good ones here in DC. I digress.

Tequila has helped me through the following:

A driving need to get drunk
A bad day/night at work
Some douche who pissed me off
…and many more major and minor situations which includes…

drum roll…


My cramps floor me. I am useless when I have them. There are only a few times when I will brave going out when I am cramping, ESPECIALLY if it’s the first day of my cycle. Unfortunately I can only remember one time and it happens to be recently. It was New Year’s Day this year. I went out Salsa dancing. I popped a bunch of Midol that day so I could go. My ticket was already paid for. I wasn’t missing it! Glad I went. I had a blast!

I’m having myself my own little period party right now. My bottle of Hornitos Plata, my Salsa Pandora station blasting in my ear, and my heating pad. I am such the partier. Lol.

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