We all know what defeat is and what it can do to us. We strive to be the best we can be at whatever it is that we do. Defeat on our quest is inevitable. It’s how we learn and move on from it. It’s how we eventually succeed.
There are times during our journey that defeat can be a bit unbearable. We start to question a lot of things. One being our abilities to be what we are striving for. Two being our abilities to keep up with the times. That’s where I am right now. I had a few things in the works over the past couple of months. They all fell through. So yeah, I’m feeling a little defeated right about now.
Notice that I did not say that I failed. I am merely defeated. At least for the moment. That’s all it ever can be. A momentary lapse in my confidence. This happens more times then I’d like but I eventually get through it. My current defeat is a bit of a blow. It will take me a bit longer to get over this one. I’m pretty much back to my drawing board. Starting over many times can be very frustrating.
It will be very easy to consider myself a failure…however, I will not. Who wants to take the easy way out? Not I! If life were easy it wouldn’t be as much fun. Oh and I do love to have fun. I love life as well. Every moment of it. Even my down moments. They are moments to learn from during my time of reflection.
Right now is a time for me to learn. Were the things that I had in place meant for me? Did they support my ultimate goal? Would they have kept me happy? There are so many more questions to ask myself. I know the answers to some of these questions right away. Others I’ll need to dig deep.
My journal will be getting a bit more attention than normal. 🙂