She Muses

My Love/Hate Relationship With Running

Running is one of the easiest things that you can do without any specialized equipment. All you need is a good pair of running shoes, some ‘support’ (for us women), and some terrain. Easy, right?

I love to run. Especially in the wee hours of the morning before the sun comes up. That is the best time to run in my opinion. The air is crisp, the day is new, and things are just starting to get going. Plenty of time to think as well if I go without my iPod. I can go over my ‘to do’ list for the day. I can plan for future events. I could just…not think. That could be interesting. Lol.

I hate to run. Who wants to wake up two hours before they are supposed to so they can get a run in before their day starts? Obviously not me lately! Now granted it will not take me two hours to run in the morning. That time also includes my morning fuel before I run, stretching before and after, cool down, and recovery fuel. My mentality lately? That time is better spent in bed! Lol. I know…I’m horrible. I blame the military. (jk)

No but seriously…I do blame the military. The military has helped develop both my loves and my hates for running. My desire to run before the day starts? That’s due to those 5am PT runs. LOVED THEM! It was all the runs AFTER that one that got on my nerves. Seriously WHY does the military RUN all the time? Lol.

I know I can get into the habit again of running in the mornings. I’ll need to pair it with my schedule now. There are some mornings where I need to get up at 4am to get to my assignment by 6am. Those mornings can be short runs. Something that can at least get my heart rate up. Basically anything I do NOW will get my heart rate up with no issues. Lol.

So what do I need to work on? Getting my lazy bootay out of bed and on the pavement!


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