She Muses

I Cannot Give You Up I Love You So Much


Oh come now! This is a no brainer. If you know me at all then you know that I have a love affair with Chocolate. Hands down one of my favorite things in this world. That and Coffee. I simply refuse to give them up. Even if they are setting my hormones all out of whack.

There are things that I am trying to assist with my hormone balancing act. Yes, diet and exercise are the top two. A lot can be accomplished with both. My diet has been getting so much better the past couple of weeks. I am also using supplements in addition to diet and exercise. More specifics on what I am using will be posted at a later date. I’m still getting used to one in particular. Review to follow.

Back to my lovers.

I am seriously craving them right now. That’s something that I’ll need to take care of once I’m done with my photo gig today. 😉