She Muses

I Love My Blog

I really do. I love the fact that I have a place to lay out my thoughts. I love the fact that I can share random moments with you, my readers, even if sometimes I am a bit reluctant to do so. It may seem as though I do not love this place at times. Those times are when I…

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She Muses

A Bucket Full Of Day Ones

Yesterday marked my first day of my 21 Day Challenge I am putting myself through. The idea of this challenge is compliments of Get Heidi Fit. Basically I need to commit myself to at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day for 21 days straight. No rest days. Shouldn’t be too bad, right? I’ve been down this road before.…

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She Muses

So…In A Nutshell…

Time has passed once again between postings. It’s not that I didn’t have anything to write about. On the contrary. I had TOO MUCH to write about. My week has been pretty busy. Tons of things went on. Most of it threw me for a loop or two. I was completely out of my element with some of these events.…

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She Muses

Tomorrow Is The Day

I am SO excited! Tomorrow is the day that I go for my Zumba training! It is also the mark of my five year anniversary as being smoke free. Great accomplishment! I don’t see any other way to celebrate than to get a fitness certification to supplement my income. Well, maybe a nice dinner as well. We’ll see. I’m wrapping…

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She Muses

Challenge Bust & A Pre-Anniversary Preview

Well…as you all can see from my lack of posting last week, I did not complete my Bikram Yoga challenge. Monday and Tuesday are the only days that I was able to attend. Wednesday I had a case of the BGs (TMI…I know) and I’ve been sick with a head cold ever since then. I’m blown. At least I’m keeping…

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