She Muses

Plenty Of Time To Settle In

It’s been a little over a week since Lucille broke down on me. I’ve gone through a considerably wide spectrum of emotions during this time. Tons of tears were shed. Yes, tons. I’ve been angry. I’ve been sad. There were a few times where I was just…numb. Once the dust settled I began to understand a bit about the WHY…

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She Muses


The answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. The Ultimate Question, however, is still unknown. I’ve been MIA this month for a number of reasons. I moved into a new place. With a move comes new habits, new routines, everything new. I needed to get used to all of it. I love my new place. It’s…

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She Muses

Hello February!

Ah February. Home of Groundhog Day, two presidents birthdays, and one of the most commercialized holidays of our time in my opinion. Valentine’s Day! The chocolatiers love this holiday. We all do in our own way. February is also a new month which means a new set of goals are needed. Here is what I have in store for myself…

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She Muses

Another Year Concludes…

…another year begins. Today at 155pm EST concluded my 33rd year of life. It was a great ride. Wonderful…and bittersweet. I accomplished so much within this year. * I landed my dream job as a photographer. * I was granted the opportunity to work with children…and I LOVE it! * I revamped my blog…many, many, many times. 🙂 * I…

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