She Muses

I’ve Been A Bad, Bad Girl!

No! Not THAT kind of bad! Wrong blog. Lol. I went an entire week without Bodyrocking. A full seven days. I feel aweful! The excuse that I have is not even valid. I say that because working out could have alleviated some of that mess I was going through last week. Let me clue you guys into my week. It…

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She Muses

Lazy Is As Lazy…Doesn’t?

I am the true definition of lazy today. I just really do not feel like doing ANYTHING (queue in Bruno Mars). Yes, I’m doing my laundry (probably won’t finish) and I cooked myself dinner (at 2pm in the afternoon) but that’s only because these things had to happen. My laziness has nothing to do with how I spent my evening…

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She Muses

A Wonderful Lazy Sunday

I had a pretty full week.  Work was about the same…wonderful, fun, and very fulfilling.  ESPECIALLY Saturday.  I got to meet Elmo from Sesame Street!  The ACTUAL Elmo!  Kevin Clash.  Whoo-hoo!  It is SO fun being a photographer! The rest of my week was great.  I chilled with a new friend at a local mexican joint.  It had been a…

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She Muses

My Love/Hate Relationship With Running

Running is one of the easiest things that you can do without any specialized equipment. All you need is a good pair of running shoes, some ‘support’ (for us women), and some terrain. Easy, right? I love to run. Especially in the wee hours of the morning before the sun comes up. That is the best time to run in…

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