I had some business to attend to down on Minnesota Avenue in NE DC yesterday. Business that had me stressing a bit earlier that day. After my business was done, instead of going home I jumped a random bus that took me downtown. From there I walked. I like walking. It’s great exercise. It also helps clear my mind. I needed that.
When I have the time, I always find myself in the same places: The White House, The National Mall, and the MLK Memorial. I walked through all of them. I had a purpose though. I wanted to go to the MLK Memorial. I NEEDED to go to the MLK Memorial.
There was a light shower happening at the time. I had forgotten my umbrella. I didn’t care. Once I sat down I was immediately at peace. I was even fortunate enough to hear four lovely young ladies sing “We Shall Overcome” and other Negro spirituals. It was exactly what was needed. I felt so blessed.
I believe I sat there for about an hour before heading back home. I would have stayed longer if not for the rain. I can tell you that I did not shed another tear for the rest of the day. I was confident that what I did yesterday was a move forward. I’m still up in the air about proceeding even more forward. It depends on what happens within the next 7 to 10 days. It may not be necessary…but we will see.
Here’s to a positive outcome within the next week or so…and beyond!
*Image taken and manipulated by ME, The Shutter Gypsy*