She Muses

LONG Overdue

As you all know, my car broke down on me. This information is known because I constantly bring it up. Mainly out of frustration. Nostalgia kicks in from time to time. This could be a reason why my car has been sitting in my driveway since the fall. Yes! Just sitting there! SMH.

I am a huge advocate of cleaning out. I have my life coach to thank for that. Before I adopted this particular mindset I was a serious pack rat. I had to keep EVERYTHING. I would say to myself, “Oh I could use this someday.” Really? Someday? I’m trying to figure out how I could use a car that, when I finally brought it home, was only running on three cylinders someday. Now it won’t start! DEFINITELY won’t be using it someday now. Sigh.

The fact that I allowed my cute little buggy to just sit in my driveway for two seasons shows me that I relapsed back to my pack rat ways. I believe this has blocked some perspective blessings that I could have received. I will never know this for sure. I DO know that keeping the car has held me back. Looking at it every morning with a sense of longing is not going to get me anywhere. It hasn’t. Something has to change. The car has to GO.

I found a place online that will take care of the removal of my car called I’m at a point where I don’t really care how much I get for the car. I just want it gone. The sooner the better. I’m happy to announce that I accepted an offer from the site. A towing company will be in contact with me soon to make arrangements for pick up. This pleases me!

This is a needed step forward. If I’m meant to have another set of wheels then I will receive those wheels gratefully and at the right time. The Game of Life at work. It’s a beautiful thing.

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