She Muses

Chicken Soup + NyQuil = Unique Craving

Well, it’s not so much a craving but more of a necessity. You see, I’m sick. Yes. Again. It seems like only yesterday when the sickness reared it’s ugly head. In reality some time has passed. For that I’ve been very, very grateful.

It looks like this time around I will not be fulfilling any of my cravings. I’ll have to leave the house for that. I told myself that I would not do that today. I needed a day to just chill. To do absolutely nothing (but surf the net of course). Nothing strenuous. I needed to take measures in getting better instead of making my sickness worse.

That’s what I have been doing these last two days. Making my sickness worse. I felt it on Sunday just a little. I ignored it thinking, “Oh it will pass. I just need to suck it up and drive on.” I had tons to do on Sunday and wanted to keep all commitments. The same on Monday. I knew I was coming down with something yesterday. I still went out the house and ran various errands. I’m not sure for the life of me WHY I did not pick up any Chicken Soup or NyQuil while I was out. SMH.

I believe all of this came about due to my Saturday early morning run. It was a cold one that morning. I dressed for the run itself and not for the weather. Let me explain. I dressed for how I would feel while I was running. Hot. I had on a pair of cold weather leggings, a white tank, a t-shirt, and my Army PT jacket. That’s it! I was FREEZING while waiting for the bus! Once I got to The National Mall every thing was good…it warmed up. I fear that the damage has been done though.

I also pushed myself a little more than usual this past Saturday. Not only am I battling this cold, I’m also dealing with tons of leg soreness. That’s another reason why I wanted to stay home. I utilize public transportation. With that comes a lot of walking. Walking is good, yes. In moderation when one is recouping from strenuous activity (my own stupidity) like I am. That means I cannot be walking 5+ miles daily with a heavy backpack. ESPECIALLY since I have a dance performance this coming Thursday night! No, SIR!

So today I’m taking it easy. I’m sipping tons of Green Tea and Lemon water to soothe my throat. I’m not coughing as much as earlier. I have a feeling that will change as the night progresses. This will be a great time for my Chicken soup. A shot of NyQuil before turning in will be the perfect night cap.

I’ll be more prepared next time.

*Images compliments of &*

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