I know you’ve seen them. 365 Projects. They are everywhere. On Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, and just about any other social networking site there is. New blogs are started with the intent to have 365 photos within one calendar year. A photo for each day. A year in the life if you will.
I, myself, attempted my own 365 project at the beginning of 2010. I even started a new blog to track it. My very own photo journal. I only got to day 14.
I found that it was just a little too much for me to get out there and take a photo EVERY DAY. It wasn’t because I was lazy…well maybe a little. I was in the middle of moving across country. That took up a lot of my time which put my 365 project to a screeching halt.
So why not one in 2011? Pure laziness. Yeah I said it! Lol. Plus there are other things I can do. Instead of having the pressure of producing one photo every day I have decided to make my 2011 project less stressful. I will do a 12 month project. This will give me time to actually choose which photo I’d like to post for every month of this year. This is SO much better.
So for the month of January I give you my first photo. I will admit that this photo was kind of rushed. I only took it this week. It was a beautiful day and I decided to go do the tourist thing and snap pictures at the National Mall. That was a great day.

I’m also uploading this photo to my imagery site. That is where MY photo journal will be. Feel free to take a look if you’d like. A link to my imagery page can be accessed on my navigation menu.
So…are any of you doing a photo project for 2011? Where are you posting your images?