Introducing one of the cutest babies in the world!
The search is on for the next faces of Baby GAP and GAP Kids. Naturally, my sister entered her eight month old son into the contest. Why wouldn’t she? He is so cute it is sickening. Seriously. Disgustingly cute! Maybe I’m biased because he’s blood. I’m not sure. I shake my head every time I see a picture of him. Lol.
Anyway, my sister has entered the two pictures shown above into the running. Folks can cast their vote on each photo daily. It’s one vote…per email address…per day. What we, the family, are doing is casting our votes daily. It would be DA BOMB if you all would do the same!
Just click on each of the adorable goodness that is my nephew’s photos within this post and it will take you to the site where you can cast your vote. I also have links on my landing page so please feel free to share with your friends, loved ones, and cyber pals. If you have more than one email address (like most folks do) cast another vote! I say the more the merrier. 😉
It would be AWESOME to see the number of votes continue to rise daily due to all of your support. Thanks in advance guys! 😀