She Muses

Rants and Raves for Today



Ok…I’m all about positive vibes and such. I totally believe in whatever I send out I will receive back. That includes any negative vibes that I may have. I have been contemplating posting this for a while now and have always decided against it. I did not want to send out these negative vibes…especially in print. The thing is I’m still thinking about them. So now I believe that if I get it out here they will not longer be on my mind. Like a Relax, Relate, Release kind of thing.

Just to give you a little disclaimer these are just random things that irritate me at the moment. None of this may make any sense to you. I can tell you this though…it will make me feel SO much better. 😀

So here we go…

* I cannot stand Georgia Avenue. The sea of never ending red lights does not appeal to me at all.

* Toll roads. Why?

* When I say I want my hair straight that’s exactly what I mean…not curly.

* Why did you get in front of me just to creep below the speed limit?

* OMG don’t you EVER shutup?

* Stealing Tabasco sauce from Chipotle? Seriously?

* Why are some people always looking for a free handout? Stop asking me if I’m going to give you free stuff every five minutes. I’m trying to run a business here.

That’s about it for now. I’m sure there will be more as the days progress on. They may end up here…maybe not. Time will tell.

Until next rant…


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