She Muses

Riding The Organic Bandwagon

Haven’t you heard? I’m trying to eat healthy by making better food choices. I must say, I’m doing pretty good…some of the time. I still have a long ways to go but I’m pretty proud of me right now. During my last visit to the grocery store I was there a little longer than normal. The funny thing is I…

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She Muses

I’m Noticing A Pattern Here

What pattern you may ask? Well it has to do with me getting sick. I’m noticing that I am getting sick around drinking holidays. Two holidays in particular are St Patrick’s Day and Cinco de Mayo. True, the REAL reasons for these holidays didn’t even originate in the US. St Patrick is from Ireland. His day is also a religious…

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She Muses

Mmm Soup…On a 90+ Degree Day

I love soup. It gives me that feel good warmth in my tummy and makes everything right again. I accompanied my soup with some Keebler wheat crackers…a wonderful pair. To drink? 24 ounces of nice cool H2O…with free refills. This is the lunch of champions right here. I am feeling a little out of sorts today mainly because of the…

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