She Muses

My Time Management SUCKS!

Yup. SUCKS! I have slacked off SO MUCH in the past couple of months. I’d like to say it’s because I’ve been so busy. I mean, seriously, how does one come back to a balls to the wall busy season? It can be done. It has been done by me…just a little sloppy. Now, mind you, what I do is…

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She Muses

My First Photo Taken With My Epic

It’s only fitting that my first photo be of my cocktail of choice.  🙂  After the purchase of my phone I went to get a bite to eat at a local Mexican joint.  It was pretty good.  I ordered a simple Chicken Chimichanga that I also included in a pic.  It was very good.  My Mango Margarita was even better. …

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