She Muses

All Uphill From There

I started my day off worrying. My morning pages were full of it and other negativity. I was trying to figure out how to handle a few things. I will not get too much into the details. I can tell you that one of the “things” just happened to be my phone.

Android rolled out a Gingerbread update this morning. I went ahead and authorized the update. What happened after that, piled onto the rest of the “things” that I was juggling, made me cry. My phone was in a continuous loop and would not boot up. I was completely cut off from the world. I say completely due to the fact that I’m one of those folks who do not know the phone numbers of important people in my life.

So I cried. I cried long and hard.

Then I borrowed my roommates land line phone, opened up an old fashioned phone book, and called my wireless carrier. Of course, it took me a bit to get past the “You can go online” talk before I finally found a live person. They couldn’t do anything for me though. So off to a repair center I went.

A hard reset was what was needed. My phone could not be backed up. Since it never made it to my main screen, that data was not accessible. In other words, I lost everything. Well, everything that was not already in my Google account which consisted of a number of contacts and a butt load of free Android apps. Sigh. Shrugs.

I was lucky. The repair store just happens to be next door to one of my favorite places to get ice cream. Yup…I had ice cream for breakfast. It was DELISH and just what I needed to lift my spirits a tad bit. It was all uphill from there.

I snapped this horrible picture with my camera phone of the AFI Silver Theater in downtown Silver Spring. Love this place. Love this neighborhood. It was about an hour for the bus ride there but it was SO worth it. My spirits are always lifted when I’m there. I walked in the rain with my face pointed towards the heavens. I stopped at the local Smoothie King for a protein packed meal. I was doing a ton of walking after all and was scheduled for dance practice later. I needed fuel. It’s a good thing too. I did a little something different on my way home. I walked the 2.5 miles from the Metro station to my house. Can we say “Feeling Great?”

My day started on a gloomy note. Tears were shed. My soul needed the cleansing. It was a constant climb up. My smile just kept getting bigger as the day progressed forward. I am very grateful for all of my small pleasures today. They made an enormous impact on me today. Tomorrow? I’ll just deal with that when it gets here. 😉

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