She Muses

Love Is…

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“ROMANCE…is about the possibility of the thing.
From the time when you first meet some fine ass woman…
To the time you make love to her.
From the time you first propose to her.
To the time you say I Do. When people who have been together for a long time say that the romance is dead……nuh uh……they just EXHAUSTED THE POSSIBILITIES” ~Darius Lovehall

Love, to me, is a very simple beast. I also believe that it is the most misunderstood, misinterpreted, and mistreated. There are many that do some of the damnedest things in the name of Love. That’s just the thing. Many complicate it when there is really no need.

“Love is what you make and with whom you make it with.”

Love is very innocent and pure. The other emotions that are coupled with it, such as lust, fear, greed, jealousy, etc are what taint it. Doing this brings on the various complications that many encounter. If the other emotions are set aside, or at least controlled, then there is no telling how far one can go with expressing their Love.

Day 2 of my journaling challenge asked the following questions:
What are my primary beliefs about Love? Is it easy, scary, short-lived, feels good, not possible, difficult, etc? Where/When did I acquire these beliefs? Do I still believe them? Why or why not?

Love is SIMPLE. That is my belief. It is easy going. Free flowing. It feels wonderful. It livens up your Life. Love is what the doctor ordered. It should be expressed at any given moment. It should also be received willingly. When the mind is free of all of the toxicity generated by internal and external influences, the Trinity (heart, mind, and spirit/soul) is free to Love with no bounds.

I’ve held these beliefs dear to me for the past two years. Yes, fairly recent mindset change. The triggers? Two past loves. I’m thankful for what these gentlemen have influenced in me. If not for them I will probably still be ‘stuck’ for lack of a better word. Yes, I am eternally grateful.

I challenge one and all to Love with no limits. No matter how scary. No analyzing. No second guessing. With the proper communication who knows how far it will go. The possibilities will be never ending. The romance lives on!

? Live & Love Unconditionally ?

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