She Muses

April Showers…

When it rains, it pours many say.
I say, more puddles to jump in.

My March recap can be summed up in these words. Did Not Meet Expectations. The thing is this is totally OK. As you can see from my previous post, I have a journey to travel. That means tons of things to sort out. It’s a process.

Mind you, I did quite well for my March goals. I DID get out there with my camera. I carry my camera with me everyday. I just don’t pull it out all the time. I DID become more social. I dance every week, sometimes twice a week. I have met some amazing people doing this. I DID read my empowerment book of the month. I didn’t finish it though. This may be shocking since the book really isn’t that big. What I’m doing is rereading chapters and actually working on applying the principles. A work in progress as I like to say.

It’s a new month! Three holidays this month. April Fool’s Day, Earth Day, and Easter that fall on April 1st, 22nd and 24th, respectively. When April comes you know it’s spring. It gets a little warmer every day. The flowers are blooming. Sure it rains but this is needed. The earth needs to be cleansed. The plants need to be hydrated. It’s all part of the circle of life.

For April…

  • Continue to read and apply the principles in The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra.
  • Continue to capture all that is beautiful with my camera.
  • Find better ways to cope with my emotions so that I am not always “all in my feelings.”
  • Find the means to acquire and maintain a residence of my own for the next two years in the DC area.

All of these are very doable. I need razor sharp FOCUS for the last item. All distractions are now dismissed.

We’ll see where I am at my mid-month check in.

So what are your goals for the month of April?

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