She Muses

I Wish I Was This Versatile!

Coconut Oil.

Before it I don’t really know how I lived without it. I have another great blogger to thank for introducing me to it.

I bought my first 16oz tub of it towards the end of January. After using it every day since then I still have a bit left. Now I have my humongous 32oz tub. That should hopefully last me four months.

How am I using the coconut oil?

Facial Moisturizer
I am using it as my step four in my facial cleansing regime. Step one, I cleanse with pure African Black Soap. Step two, I tone with Rose Water. Step three, I ‘treat’ problem areas with pure Tea Tree Essential Oil. Then, TADA, I moisturize with the Coconut Oil. Doing this at least once a day (twice is better), has significantly improved my skin. For those that do not know, I have a serious acne issue. It has gotten SO much better with this regime.

Body Moisturizer
Yup…I oil up every morning. My skin feels SO good after I apply the coconut oil. I don’t feel greasy at all. My skin is really soft and gives off a very nice sheen. I feel…sexier if that makes sense. My feet haven’t experienced softness like this in ages. Another plus is that I smell like baked goods. 😀

Hair Moisturizer
I even use it in my hair. My natural tresses loves it! I haven’t tried to straighten my hair with it yet. Not sure how that is going to work. I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. The way it’s looking it will be a while. My hair is too short for me to take the time to straighten. I’ll leave that to the professionals. Sure, you can call me lazy. I won’t mind. :p

There are other ways to use coconut oil that I haven’t tried yet. Like the advertised way…cooking. Lol. I haven’t cooked with it yet. It is recommended that you substitute the coconut oil for regular vegetable oil or butter. It it loads more healthier for you and I hear tastes great. Once I get into a kitchen that I can let loose in, I’ll be giving that a try.

Want to know what coconut oil can do for you? Google it! Seriously, you will be amazed at how versatile it is. You can use in ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE. Trust me ladies and gents! It is better than K-Y! Nudge, nudge, wink, wink!

Pick some up today! You can find it at your local Whole Foods Market.

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