She Muses

All Hail The Foo

Yes, the Foo Fighters have a new album out. Well it’s almost out. The official release date is April 12th, 2011. You can pre-order it on iTunes though if that’s your thing. Their single Rope is already playing on the air waves. I’m loving it so far.

The entire album of Wasting Light was done on an analog tape in Dave Grohl’s garage. Hell YEAH! Just like it was done back in the day. REAL sound and not that studio pish posh. Nice! Grunge is back!

Why am I interested in the new Foo?

Well besides me being a semi fan, my best friend is a serious fan. Like for reals. She LOVES the Foo. Knows everything there is to know about the Foo. With every new album there is a tour. So I’m doing what any best friend in the whole wide world would do. I’m casing tour dates to see when they will be in Kansas City, Chicago, or DC. Either city will work.

The mission continues.

Are you guys fans of the Foo?

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