She Muses

Messages In Movies

I saw the most awesome of awesome movies last night! After I took care of a few things with work, I bought a ticket to see Take Me Home Tonight. I was in the mood to laugh and stay put for a few hours after driving most of the day. The movies was just the place.

What is it about?

It’s set in the late 80s which is AWESOME! The soundtrack itself drew me to a movie that I would normally wait until it hit DVD. I digress. My bad. Anyhoo, it’s about a very smart boy who has a high school crush that he never asked out.  Fast forward a few years later, he’s still trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life.  Then all of a sudden BLAM…his crush walks back into his life.  He now has a second chance. The whole movie is pretty much him taking that chance which turns out to be the BEST NIGHT EVER!

I’m not going to get to much into the movie itself. What I’m really writing about is the message behind it or at least what I got out of it. We’ve all had our high school crushes. I know I did. Some of us probably never got around to asking them out. I know I didn’t. I chose to date someone else at a completely different high school. The choices we make.

That’s one of the messages that I received from this movie. The choices or decisions that we make or do not make regarding our lives. There are some of us that don’t make any decisions at all. Let me rephrase. We are deciding not to decide. Not deciding is an option that a ton of people choose on a daily. When things don’t work out that’s when the excuses start piling up. The thing is you shouldn’t really complain. It’s what you decided.

Another message I received from this movie?


No matter how afraid you are just do it! No thinking. Seriously! We think too much about EVERYTHING. I know I do. I have to stop myself constantly. It’s a process. If you don’t go for it then you’ll never know if you would have succeeded in it. You also cannot call yourself a failure. How can you fail at something that you’ve never done? It boggles the mind, doesn’t it? Even if you crash and burn it’s not a failure. It’s a temporary defeat. Celebrate it and learn from it. The greats in this world never got it done with one try!

I love movies with messages you can learn from. These particular messages are ones that I have been trying to drill in my head for the last few years. It’s very valuable information that should be shared with others.

Go ahead. Share away.


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