She Muses

Goals & Plans To Take Over The World

Every year around January 1st people come up with things that they’d like to do for the coming year. Resolutions they call them. New Years is the standard time for folks to reevaluate their lives and make improvements as necessary.

I’m a little different.

Instead of using the New Year I’ll use my birthday years. Genius, yes?

Today marks the beginning of my 34th year. Day 1 all the way up to day 365 needs to be productive with a constant movement in a forward direction. I will admit that I have had temporary setbacks in the past when it comes to my goals. We’re going to see what this will do for me while utilizing the SMART technique shown below.

S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Attainable
R = Realistic
T = Timely

So without further ado I bring to you…

For the moment I will just list out a few things that I would like to do throughout my year as a whole. The specifics will come as I check in with myself monthly. Yes…monthly. I will also be doing a quarterly check to see what, if anything, needs to change.

* Be more open and honest with what is going on with me.
* Be more active (duh…doesn’t everybody).
* Launch second business model.
* Find more work.
* Find a suitable residence.
* Be more conscience about what I am putting into my body.
* Get out into the world with my camera.
* Show a bit more compassion without jeopardizing self.
* Be there more for my family and friends.

These are the bare bones of what I’d like to do with my year. Again, the specifics will come with each month. I have my journal to assist with coming up with these specifics. I love to journal. It soothes the soul. Kind of like blogging. 🙂

Here’s to another successful year!

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