Yes it has been a while. I have a good reason though…I swear. I write another blog. Yes I have been cheating on this blog. The other blog that I write just happens to be a tad risqué. No, it’s downright dirty. Lol.

I wasn’t sure if I should merge the two blogs together. You see this blog was supposed to be a little about me, my business ventures, and all of my adventures out and about. To be honest I haven’t really done much with my business. I have been busy with other things. I am a freelancer after all so I take on random projects. Anyhoo, I felt my other blog didn’t really belong in the mix with this one. Sex can be a touchy subject and I really didn’t want to filter out all non adults from my blog. I’d have to if I merge completely. I could keep it semi clean with only posting a few topics that are suitable for at least young adults. Yeah I could keep it PG-13. That is a definite possibility.
I wanted to get the opinion of my readers. What say you? Should I merge my blogs or at least some of the content? Let me know what you’d like to see.